Will Butler : le choc des générations

Will Butler ferme peut-être ses yeux. Mais nous, on ouvre grand nos oreilles. Dix ans après la sortie de The Suburbs, la fratrie Butler suscite toujours l'intérêt même quand elle évolue en solo. Avec Generations, Will Butler signe un grand disque.

« J’ai essayé de faire des paroles une description honnête et simple d’une émotion que je ressens souvent – une envie de changement couplée à du désespoir : « I’m tired of waiting for a better day. But I’m scared and I’m lazy and nothing’s gonna change. ». C’est une sorte de chanson triste. Essayant de puiser dans le genre Smokey Robinson / Motown – « I’ve got to dance to keep from crying. » explique Will Butler. Et nous, nous sommes heureux de commencer notre journée en écoutant cette chanson qui nous rappelle le troisième disque d’Arcade Fire.

Will Butler – Close My Eyes

I’m tired of waiting for a better day
But I’m scared, I’m lazy and nothing’s gonna change
The blood’s still fresh on the ground
But I’m far and I’m safe and I will not make a sound
Confession to a lesser crime
But I’ll never do the time
‘Cause I was studying what to say
Something is calling in the night
But I’m keeping still beside the light
I know you’re gonna come around and stand by me
But I’m tired of standing while the world’s desolving

Close my eyes, close my eyes, close my eyes
And it’s almost alright
If you can understand then come in close and hold me tighter
In my mind, in my mind, in my mind
I want to choose the right
But you know it’s hard enough to breathe

The photograph is always new
But I seen that same headline
And I got to dance to keep from crying
My head is tired, my eyes are weak
My heart is saying that I can’t speak
I know you’re gonna come around and stand by me
But I’m tired of standing while the world’s desolving

Close my eyes, close my eyes, close my eyes
And it’s almost alright
If you can understand then come in close and hold me tighter
In my mind, in my mind, in my mind
I want to choose the right
But you know it’s hard enough to breathe

Generations de Will Butler sort le 25 Septembre 2020 chez Merge.

Will Butler - Generations

Tracklist : Will Butler - Generations
  1. Outta Here
  2. Bethlehem
  3. Close My Eyes
  4. I Don't Know What I Don't Know
  5. Surrender
  6. Hide It Away
  7. Hard Times
  8. Promised
  9. Not Gonna Die
  10. Fine

Pouet? Tsoin. Évidemment.

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