Tout est ok avec iAN Ottaway

Roadie des Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, proche de Mark Lanegan, iAN Ottaway a publié un disque ravageur aussi sombre que punk. Séance de rattrapage.

Entouré par Joe Cardamone et Mark Lanegan, iAn Ottaway a décidé de sortir de l’ombre avec un disque qui fera écho aux dernières productions de Lanegan (logique) et à la part sombre de l’Amérique.
Chaudement recommandable pour un réveillon confiné. Et pour les autres jours de l’année.

iAN Ottaway – Roll With the Damned (feat. Joe Cardamone)

Face down / crooked economy
Fake News
21st Century
Roulette in Rags
Digital Dreams
Your days are numbered like a Lamb
ripe for slaughtering
Roll with the Damned,


You’re tongue-tied
in the red
off the rails
you’re Bad Luck
and you got no Ass
you move bricks with your Mothers face
do things
to blue things
you’re cock-blocked
with your back to the wall
you move drinks with your Mothers face
ya lack style
but I love your balls
move it round like a
Nylon Kink
Your Broke face
with your jaw wired shut
you Got Cunt in the back of your Bag
You move Devils with your
I-Ching Chinese
Death dealer
Autobahn Eyes

fresh scars
red body
inside my mind
no mask and no crime

no mask and no crime
no mask and no crime
no crime

Glitterati, illuminati, fresh scars, red body,
inside my mind, no mask and no crime…

iAn Ottaway - Roll With The Damned

Roll With The Damned de Ian Ottaway est disponible chez Revvolt Records.

iAn Ottaway - Roll With The Damned

Tracklist : Ian Ottaway - Roll With The Damned
  1. Roll With the Damned (feat. Joe Cardamone)
  2. Trample the Lam
  3. I'm Always (feat. Mark Lanegan)
  4. Burning at the Wheel
  5. Old Angel Midnight
  6. Summer on Ice
  7. Saint of Roses
  8. All This Short Life
  9. Panic Attacks

Pouet? Tsoin. Évidemment.

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