L’aède Lael Neale

© Guy Blakeslee
Sub Pop (Nirvana, Mudhoney, The Shins, Fleet Foxes et des dizaines d'autres) a signé Lael Neale. Et a bien fait...

Originaire de Virginie, Lael Neale vit depuis une dizaine d’années à Los Angeles et a joué sur de nombreux disques. Pour au final s’ennuyer et se dire qu’elle ferait mieux avec ses chansons. Acquainted with Night, son nouvel album, lui donne parfaitement raison. Avec son Omnichord, notre nouvelle Joanna Newsom enchante les fans des débuts de Cat Power et remet au centre du jeu le mot chanson. En mettant en musique sa vie ordinaire, cette Américaine impacter directement la notre et la transforme en extraordinaire.

Lael Neale – Blue Vein

Gather your words,
gaze at the field of snow
the Garden has gone
the cold wind blown

Kneel down to your mom
hold on to your dad’s hands
maybe they’re dead, yet,
don’t forget

you’re born with a blue vein
born to the song
born just to know things
then to take off
I’m gonna fly

Guardian angel,
gather my losses
keep them all safe
until I come to my cross

Gather the weight
gold trick of the world
gap in my girl’s teeth
the love that I held

Now it’s easier said
when it comes from my head
but the needle of truth
gives the blood
that I let

And we’re born with a blue vein
born to the song
born just to grow wings
then to take off
I’m gonna fly

Though there’s nothing to believe in
besides you & I

And when I come to the fold
meet the arms of my Brother
feel the birth of a new age
when I become the Other

Some say the truth springs
for reservoir seekers
but I think the truth sing
to whoever listens

and we’re born with a blue vein
born to the song
born just to grow wings
then to take off
I’m gonna fly

Lael Neale - Acquainted with Night

Lael Neale - Acquainted With Night
Acquainted with Night de Lael Neale est disponible chez Sub Pop Records.

Tracklist : Lael Neale - Acquainted with Night
  1. Blue Vein
  2. Every Star Shivers in the Dark
  3. Acquainted with Night
  4. White Wings
  5. How Far Is It to the Grave
  6. For No One For Now
  7. Sliding Doors & Warm Summer Roses
  8. Third Floor Window
  9. Let Me Live by the Side of the Road
  10. Some Sunny Day

Pouet? Tsoin. Évidemment.

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