La pirouette shoegaze de Piroshka

Piroshka, le groupe formé par des ex Lush, Elastica, Moose et Modern English , revient confirmer tout le bien qu'on pensait de lui, avec un deuxième album intitulé Love Drips And Gathers.

Et c’est du shoegaze qui est annoncé par Miki Berenyi pour ce nouveau disque dont le premier extrait est aussi entêtant qu’un single de Lush.

Piroshka – Scratching At The Lid

Disappearing in the snow of a terrible year
Survive and thrive the rest is best to keep yourself
They send you your way
Sun’s up, skip outside
Not quite an orphan, stranded and alone
But they really loved you and you knew it too, no need to run away
Hard work, middle grades

Knock, knock opportunity opened up the door
A noisy head is fed with great calamity, today is not the day
Can’t fight gravity
Did you really want a first communion ?
A church inside the windmill of your little mind
It’s not a place to pray
Fall down, open wide
What will you say when they put you in the ground ?
Scratching at the lid as the box goes down ?
You threw it all away, away

I can see the father staring from the mirror
A crooked look is all it took to set you off, you threw it all away
Nice try, step aside
‘Cause great things happen, so give yourself a break
Wonders never cease I see them everywhere, don’t throw it all away
Sun’s out, come alive

Try not to think about the path you took
Roads not taken disappear a memory
Don’t think about today
Don’t blink, make it pay
We never leave a trace of where we began
Only good for one ride on the carousel
We only turn around
Good luck, double down
What will you say when they put you in the ground ?
Scratching at the lid as the box goes down ?
You threw it all away, away

Love Drips And Gathers de Piroshka sera disponible le 23 juillet 2021 chez Bella Union / PIAS.

le mercredi 28 avril de 8h à 10h : atelier citoyenneté en classe qui sera encadré par mon collègue médiateur Dorian et moi-même (classe répartie en demi groupe de 15 élèves) - le mercredi 5 mai de 9h à 12h : sentier des résistants dans le quartier du Bourg à Caluire. RDV devant l'entrée du Mémorial Place Gouailhardou. (classe répartie en demi groupe de 15 élèves)

Tracklist : Piroshka - Love Drips And Gathers
  1. Hastings 1973
  2. The Knife Thrower’s Daughter
  3. Scratching At The Lid
  4. Loveable
  5. V.O.
  6. Wanderlust
  7. Echo Loco
  8. Familiar
  9. We Told You”

Pouet? Tsoin. Évidemment.

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