Jason Pierce a certainement trouvé la fontaine de jouvence. Everything Was Beautiful est un condensé de ce qu'il sait faire avec Spiritualized, en mieux.

« Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt » écrit Kurt Vonnegut dans Abattoir 5 ou la Croisade des enfants. Ce disque devait donc être un double album et il en fût différemment. Cela permet d’écouter Everything was beautiful d’une traite, comme un shot de vodka au bord d’un précipice ensoleillé. On grimpe dans le train euphorique et enjoué de The Mainline Song, transpercesoleil luxuriant, kaléidoscope musical foisonnant. Vers le bonheur et au delà avec capitaine Pierce.

Spiritualized – The Mainline Song


Hush, keep your voices down
Everyone is asleep uptown
And I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the city tonight
Sweet heart, sweet light
Oh babe, it’s a beautiful night
And I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the city tonight

Hush, keep your voices down
Everyone is asleep uptown
And I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the city tonight
Sweet heart, sweet light
Oh babe, it’s a beautiful night
And I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the city tonight
Hush, keep your voices clear
There’s a change in the air ’round here
And I wanted to know if you wanted to go take the city tonight
Sweet heart, sweet light
Oh babe, it’s a beautiful night
And I wanted to know if you wanted to go tell thе city tonight

Hush, keep your voices clear
Therе’s a change in the air ’round here
And I wanted to know if you wanted to go take the city tonight
Sweet heart, sweet light
Oh babe, it’s a beautiful night
And I wanted to know if you wanted to go tell the city tonight


I caught you once and I’ll court you again
I only wanted to be your friend
And I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the city again

Spiritualized - Everything Was Beautiful

Spiritualized - Everything was beautiful

Tracklist : Spiritualized - Everything Was Beautiful
  1. Always Together With You
  2. Best Thing You Never Had (The D Song)
  3. Let It Bleed (For Iggy)
  4. Crazy
  5. The Mainline Song
  6. The A Song (Laid In Your Arms)
  7. I'm Coming Home Again

Spiritualized en concert

Belfast Telegraph

Belfast (United Kingdom)

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Dublin (Ireland)

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London (United Kingdom)

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London (United Kingdom)

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Bristol (United Kingdom)

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