Béate Emma ?

On est heureux, Emma Beko sort un nouvel EP après Digital Damage. Superficial Stains sort le 30 septembre.

Nouvelle venue dans le rap 3.0, Emma Beko, montréalaise née à Budapest, d’origine péruvienne a passé son adolescence à New York. De quoi raconter des histoires et balancer un flow original. Son happiest n’est pas si happy que cela. How does it feel when you let it go questionne t-elle. On cherche encore.

Emma Beko – Happiest

Can I take another hit
Another sip without me judging myself
I couldn’t handle it
One time I couldn’t walk, but I could talk
Imagine that and it’s a fact
I got a devil on my shoulder but sometimes it’s in my head
Tried to cut it off it bled
Yeah of course it caused me pain
It Is me and I am it
Considered more than a friend
And I admit
I like it dark but not that empty
I could go with a machete and cut out everything that won’t serve a purpose to me
But I am self aware
And I do many things
And one of them is not to pull you like a puppet string
I bite I bark I lead I fly I play I never sting
It’s the things that don’t seem to matter that give me wings
I drowned a million times before but I never forgot to sing
Liquor was my best friend and some weed I was a fiend
A bunch of other
But i’m cleaning out my closet
Picket signs and skeletons

How does it feel when you let it go
You move your body like never before
You’re like a girl in a video
A film about kicking down the doors
Always wonder when you slip and fall
If you’re tired don’t be shy to crawl
Back on your feet it might take a while
Face on the ground but you keep your smile

Crack my knuckles yes I think that i’m invincible
I don’t answer to you, just out of principle
It get really low sometimes but it is beautiful
It’s crazy when you know something but at times it just slips away
Ricochet, out of your mind thoughts are kept at bay
I wonder why my legs are shaking that’s some scary shit
I hope for it to stop but its my brain that’s controlling it
I’ll put the kettle on and hope this herbal tea relaxes me
Got some shivers while I’m writing all this truthfulness
Pouring out of me like im a tipped cup spilling my madness
I’m the happiest but saddest at the same time
I climb to reach my prime but I got baggage to unwind
I’m fine
Really I am and when you pry I’ll decline
Privacy’s my sanctuary, safe is divine
I feel the safest when I know that what is mine is mine
I’m a mime with a finger up, that’s a sign

Chorus with Marlaena Moore
How does it feel when you let it go
You move your body like never before
You’re like a girl in a video
A film about kicking down the doors
Always wonder when you slip and fall
If you’re tired don’t be shy to crawl
Back on your feet it might take a while
Face on the ground but you keep your smile

Artiste - Titre

Tracklist : Artiste - Titre album
  1. Titre1
  2. Titre2
  3. Titre3

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