National on t’aime !

Le dernier album de The National, First Two Pages of Frankenstein à peine sorti en avril, les revoilà déjà avec deux inédits, Space Invader et Alphabet City animés par Mina Tindle.

Point d’échecs chez Matt même si l’accouchement du dernier disque fut laborieux. The National vient de renverser le Madison Square Garden et balance au cœur de l’été caniculaire deux nouveaux titres aériens dans la lignée du lumineux First Two Pages of Frankenstein avec ses guests classieux, Taylor Swift, Sufjan Stevens ou Phoebe Bridgers. Dans Space Invader, Matt écrit des lettres et envahit notre cœur avec cette occupation désuète que l’on pratique assidûment et qui donne furieusement envie d’embrasser goulûment l’être aimé dans cette éjaculation musicale. Avec Alphabet City, on partage les affres de Matt. Sa voix nous pénètre, humidifie nos corps, aiguillon sensuel, moustique tigre au venin voluptueux. Take forever off anytime you want, I’ll save your place.

The National organisera son Homecoming Festival les 15 et 16 septembre à Cincinnati, avec entre autre Patti Smith & Her Band, Pavement, Arooj Aftab et Bartees Strange.


On prie pour des dates en France pour raviver des souvenirs.

The National – Space Invader

It’s a calculation I made a mistake on
I never should have said it like I said
It will come to me later like a space invader
And I won’t be able to get it out of my head

What if I’d never written the letter
I slipped into the sleeve of the record I gave you ?
What if I stayed on the C train until Lafayette ?
What if we never met ?
What if I’d only just done what you told me
And never looked back ?
What if I’d only ducked away down the hallway
And faded to black ?

It was too romantic, it was sad and frantic
A paperback book in a storm drain
It could go number one, if I copied a new one
From a melody that I wish I had

What if I’d never written the letter
I slipped into the sleeve of the record I gave you ?
What if I stayed on the C train until Lafayette ?
What if we never met ?
What if I’d only just done what you told me
And never looked back ?
What if I’d only ducked away down the hallway
And faded to black ?
What if I’d never written the letter
I slipped into the sleeve of the record I gave you ?
What if I stayed on the C train until Lafayette ?
What if we never met ?
What if I’d only just done what you told me
And never looked back ?
What if I’d only ducked away down the hallway
And faded to black ?

It will come to me later, like a space invader
And I won’t be able to get it out of my head

The National – Alphabet City

I don’t miss the world, not the way it was
I can’t get there
Try to think of it, always at a loss
I can’t get there

All of your lonesomeness kept in your wallet
Nobody notices, baby, you got this

I’ll still be here when you come back from space
I will listen for you at the door

Take forever off anytime you want
I’ll save your place
If anybody asks, I’ll say you’re coming back
We’ll just have to wait

Sometimes I wanna drive around and find you
And act like it’s a random thing
I always wonder if you ever feel
Like I blew all chances of this happening

I’m not ever it, don’t know what it is
I can’t get there
Something’s wrong with me like it always is
I can’t get there

All of your lonesomeness kept in your wallet
Nobody notices, baby, you got this
Everything’s orchestrated, follow the arrows
Let’s meet where we used to in Alphabet City

I’ll still be here when you come back from space
I will listen for you at the door
Sometimes I barely recognize this place
When you’re with me, I don’t miss the world

The National – Live at Bearsville Theater (Woodstock, NY)

the National - First Two Pages Of Frankenstein
the National - First Two Pages Of Frankenstein
  1. Once Upon A Poolside (feat. Sufjan Stevens)
  2. Eucalyptus
  3. New Order T-Shirt
  4. This Isn’t Helping (feat. Phoebe Bridgers)
  5. Tropic Morning News
  6. Alien
  7. The Alcott (feat. Taylor Swift)
  8. Grease In Your Hair
  9. Ice Machines
  10. Your Mind Is Not Your Friend (feat. Phoebe Bridgers)
  11. Send For Me

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Vidéo : The National – Laugh Track (avec Phoebe Bridgers)

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Vidéo : The National – Deep End (Paul’s In Pieces)

The National s’offre un deuxième album cette année et retrouve le sourire avec Laugh Track enregistré durant les sessions de First Two Pages of Frankenstein avec quelques invités comme Phoebe Bridgers, Rosanne Cash ou sur Weird Goodbyes, Justin Vernon.
The National

Vidéo : The National (feat. Bon Iver) – Weird Goodbyes

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The National - Hard To Find

Vidéo : The National – Hard To Find

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