Comin’ Primal Scream !

A défaut du grand soir d'une gauche molle on se contente d'une love insurrection extraite du Come Ahead de Primal Scream qui sort le 8 novembre.

Des cordes et beaucoup d’amour. Primal Scream nous invite à jeter des fleurs ou peut être des taz comme à la grande époque des Happy Mondays pour lutter contre l’iniquité, la faim, la cruauté et la ploutocratie. Bon, ce n’est pas gagné mais cela vaut un faites l’amour, pas la guerre. Bobby veut donner une chance à la paix à grand renfort de solo de flûte. Au moins, on pourra danser sur nos tombes.

Primal Scream – Love Insurrection


Manichean times, have you heard the rumors of war?
The blind lead the blind and the truth ain’t truth anymore
The poets warned about the coming storm
No one reads books these days
Conspiracy and illiteracy have taken their place

Love insurrection
Love insurrection
We’re lost and we need direction
We need a love insurrection

Manichean times test us all
What do we believe?
When we punish the poor for being poor
And celebrate greed
Should the hungry be fed and housed and protected from markets?
Should wealth be shared?
Shall we lay down our flags and our banners
And all the things that divide us…
And all the anger inside us…

Love insurrection
Love insurrection
We’re lost and we need direction
I’m praying for a love insurrection

In the country of the blind
The one-eyed man is King
The Planet’s on fire
And peace remains a dream
Where you gonna run when the humiliated multitudes rise ?
When you gonna hide when the steel rain fall from the sky ?
Are you ready to die for that pie in the sky ?

Love insurrection
Love insurrection
We’re losing and we need direction
I’m praying for a love insurrection

Sisters and brothers estranged from each other
Divided and ruled , taken for fools
Love and democracy versus plutocracy
This could be heaven, it’s hell where we’re heading

Love insurrection
Love insurrection
We’re lost and we need direction
We need a love insurrection

Dicono che siamo impossibilisti
Sognatori romantici
Non ancora cresciuti
Le nostre richieste ingenue e stupide
Le nostre credenze una religione fallita
Ma come è certo che il sole domani sorgerà così faranno i figli del futuro contro ingiustizie, rabbia e crudeltà
L’animo umano non sarà mai sconfitto.
Viva l’amore !
No pasaràn !

They say we are impossiblists
Romantic dreamers
Not yet grown up
Our demands naive and foolish
Our beliefs a failed religion
But as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow morning
So will the children of the future
Against iniquity, hunger and cruelty
The human spirit cannot be beaten
Viva love !
No pasaran !


Tracklist : Primal Scream - Come ahead
  1. Ready To Go Home
  2. Love Insurrection
  3. Heal Yourself
  4. Innocent Money
  5. Melancholy Man
  6. Love Ain't Enough
  7. Circus of Life
  8. False Flags
  9. Deep Dark Waters
  10. The Centre Cannot Hold
  11. Settlers Blues

Primal Scream en concert

Bristol Beacon

Bristol (United Kingdom)

O2 Guildhall Southampton

Southampton (United Kingdom)

Usher Hall

Edinburgh (United Kingdom)

O2 Academy Glasgow

Glasgow (United Kingdom)

O2 Academy Glasgow

Glasgow (United Kingdom)

O2 Academy Birmingham

Birmingham (United Kingdom)

Liverpool Guild of Students

Liverpool (United Kingdom)

Eventim Apollo

Hammersmith And Fulham (United Kingdom)

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Meaning is lost ?

Le grand inquisiteur Bobby Gillespie nous pointe du doigt et nous incite à brûler notre karma. Primal Scream sortira son douzième album, Come Ahead le 8 novembre chez BMG. The center cannot hold est le deuxième clip après Love Insurrection.

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Primal Scream © Fabrice Buffart

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