Super (baby) nova !

Quand on fait une recherche concernant Baby Nova, on tombe sur des tétines pour bébé. En cherchant un peu mieux, on tombe sur un instagram peu prolixe d'une fille fainéante.

Alors il nous reste la musique, deux titres langoureux à la Lana Del Rey que l’on pourrait entendre au Jack n’a qu’un œil de Twin Peaks : Killed For Sport aux explicits lyrics qu’elle avoue cathartiques et Wonder Bread Winner à écouter la nuit sur Mulholland Drive en compagnie de Hank Moody de Californication.

Baby Nova – Wonder Bread Winner

Baby Nova – Killed For Sport

I must be Catholic
The way I’m wearing the shame for the thing that you did
In my straitjacket
Strutting down my yellow brick road to studios
I’m awake in my casket
Calling from beyond the grave to tell the world you’re a dick
Smart like a woman, but you write like a man
The way you painted me crazy like some Freudian fan

You know
Coulda just had sex with me
Didn’t have to fuck me so hard
Rain down, conquered our tears
But I don’t believe you

You can be a saint and still be a sinner
And you can run your mouth for forever if you want
You can be a girl and still hate women
Yeah, that’s the hell, yeah, that’s the hell
Yeah, that’s the hell I live in
I can fall in love with two-faced bitches
But I can hold a grudge for forever, oh my god
I can clear my name, but they won’t listen
Yeah, that’s the world, yeah, that’s the world
Yeah, that’s the world we live in

Do you really wanna hurt me, honey ?
Haven’t you taken enough from me ?
Did it make you feel good when you cut me to the core ?
Let’s just be honest, you killed me for sport
You remind me of those cruel boys in camo shorts

You’re not a girl’s girl
You took my autonomy, watched while they swallowed me whole
Gave ’em a big twirl
Damsel in a dress with an A on my chest

Babe, are you obsessed ?
Coulda just had sex with me
Didn’t have to fuck me so hard
Rain down, conquered our tears
But I don’t believe you

You can be a saint and still be a sinner
And you can run your mouth for forever if you want
You can be a girl and still hate women
Yeah, that’s the hell, yeah, that’s the hell
Yeah, that’s the hell I live in
I can fall in love with two-faced bitches
But I can hold a grudge for forever, oh my god
I can clear my name, but they won’t listen
Yeah, that’s the world, yeah, that’s the world
Yeah, that’s the world we live in

Do you really wanna hurt me, honey ?
Haven’t you taken enough from me ?
Did it make you feel good when you cut me to the core ?
Let’s just be honest, you killed me for sport
(Like those cruel boys)

And I want you to know
While you were praying on my downfall
I was looking at you like you were the whole world
Thought you looked like an angel
Burning down cigarettes with a barbecue lighter
And I said to myself
« I would do anything for this fucking bitch »

Did you really wanna hurt me, honey ?
Haven’t you taken enough from me ?

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[EXCLU] L’envol d’Alek et Les Japonaises

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