Take a good look everybody. Le nouvel EP de Fogg sort le 14 mars avec une release party le lendemain au Toi Toi Le Zinc avec Hudge et Mezinc et en concert au Rock Saône Festival le 29 mars. Alors préparez-vous au bordel et à l’invasion de reptiles !
Plus d’informations sur Fogg : linktr.ee/fogg.band
Fogg – Horn
Be aware that I’m not afraid
Be prepared for the mess
In your hell
You can come and knock at my door
All I did was worth fighting for
In your hell
Take a good look everybody
It’s how I want you to remember me
In your hellOver the clouds, over the clouds It never rains
Feeling seasick, feeling like a man overboard
Leave us alone, leave us caus
I’m ready to climb the wallTake a good look everybody
It’s how I want you to remember me
In your hellFeeling free to open myself
To this long and lonely last breath
You better let it down