Guimauve 25 Avr 2012
Konstantin Gropper est un grand malade, malade de musique ample, démesurée, symphonique, orchestrale, cinématographique. Le titre du troisième album de Get Well Soon, The Scarlet Beast O' Seven Heads évoque les maîtres italiens de l'horreur comme Dario Argento. Konstantin, empereur baroque et étrange annonce : "To my new album, the average billionaire trustfund kid can happily cruise around the mountains atop Largo di Garda in his convertible, complete with trophy girlfriend in the passenger seat. But if he feels like it, he can also get off his medication and just go crashing through the barriers." Un album Rosebud ? En attendant, voici un premier extrait de plus de 6', You Cannot Cast Out The Demons (You Might As Well Dance), "a tribute to all the troubled women who ever played any role in an Alfred Hitchcock movie."
Get Well Soon
Get well soon