Vidéo : Declan McKenna – Be an Astronaut

Les garçons ne pleurent pas. Et pourtant. A 21 ans, Declan McKenna s'apprête à sortir son deuxième album, Zeros le 4 septembre chez Columbia Records et a la tête dans les étoiles avec Be an Astronaut.

Starman. Declan McKenna fait son Ziggy Stardust avec cette version live de Be an Astronaut. Et Declan ne décline pas. Etoile montante et pas filante de la pop internationale, McKenna excelle désormais avec des titres au lyrisme assumé, assis dans une boîte de conserve, loin au-dessus du monde, la planète Terre est bleue.

Be An Astronaut est le quatrième extrait du nouvel album de Declan McKenna, Zeros qui sortira le 4 septembre chez Columbia Records.


Declan McKenna – Be an Astronaut (Live Video)

Declan McKenna – Be an Astronaut

Daniel, do you remember ?
You were in such a state
The boys that wait outside your house
Have got your number
And are not afraid to use it

They’ll probably give it out
To anyone they see, including me
They’ll probably make up your mind
As if you want them to

Oh, you
Those boys tell you what to do
All the time
On, then later on
You said I could be just what I want
And they said you’re lying
Well you were born to be an astronaut
And you’ll do that or die trying
What a way to live and die

And you wonder why boys will cry
Boys will be boys, they should listen
Do as their mothers tell them

« If you know what’s good for you
Behave yourself this time, for me »
« If you know what’s good for you
Don’t lay around complaining all day »
Oh my, the boys that wait are on the line
And they’re not crying

On and later on, you will tell them what went wrong
And they’ll say you’re lying
But you were born to be an astronaut
And you’ll do that or die trying
There’d be nothing wrong with it, oh

Oh, you waste your time
C-C-Come waste mine !

Oh my, the boys that wait are on the line
And they’re not crying
On and later on, you will tell them what went wrong
And they’ll say you’re lying
But you were born an astronaut
To do it or die trying
There’d be nothing wrong with it, ah!

declan-mckenna - Zeros

Tracklist : Declan McKenna - Zeros
  1. You Better Believe!!!
  2. Be an Astronaut
  3. The Key to Life on Earth
  4. Beautiful Faces
  5. Daniel
  6. You're Still a Child
  7. Emily
  8. Twice Your Size
  9. Rapture
  10. Sagittarius A*
  11. Eventually
  12. Darling

Declan McKenna en concert

Ippodromo Snai La Maura

Milano (Italy)

Stadion Letzigrund

Zürich (Switzerland)

Stadion Letzigrund

Zürich (Switzerland)

Tallinn Song Festival Grounds

Tallinn (Estonia)

Tele2 Arena

Johanneshov (Sweden)

Prague Letňany Airport

Hlavní Město Praha (Czechia)

Letiště Praha Letňany

Praha 9 (Czechia)

Puskás Aréna

Budapest (Hungary)

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