Vidéo : Bill Callahan & Bonnie Prince Billy – Blackness of the Night (feat. AZITA)

Bill Callahan et Bonnie Prince Billy reprennent le Blackness of the Night de Cat Stevens, ballade humaniste dans un monde qui l'est de moins en moins.

Sortira t-on du tunnel ? Verra t-on la lumière ? Arrêtera t-on de chasser le fugitif ? Cette reprise bouleverse comme l’originale et la déambulation souterraine de cet enfant. Il faut sacrément positiver pour voir un début d’espoir pour l’humanité.

Bill Callahan & Bonnie Prince Billy – Blackness of the Night (feat. AZITA)

In the blackness of the night
I seem to wander endlessly
With a hope burning out deep inside
I’m a fugitive, community has driven me out
For this bad, bad world I’m beginning to doubt
I’m alone and there is no one by my side

In the blackness of the night
I see a shadow passing by
From the heels of an old soldier boy.
There’s no compromising
And his eyes are black as the sky
For this bad, bad world he is going to die.
He’s alone and there is no one by his side

In the blackness of the night
I see a sparkle of a star
From the sweet silver tear of a child
And she’s clutching at a photograph of long, long ago
When her parents were happy she was too young to know
She’s alone and there is no one by her side

I’m alone and there is no one by my side

In the blackness of the night
I seem to wander endlessly
With a hope burning out deep inside
I’m a fugitive, community has driven me out
For this bad, bad world I’m beginning to doubt
I’m alone, and there is no one by my side

Yusuf / Cat Stevens – Blackness Of The Night

Lyonnais qui revendique sa mauvaise foi car comme le dit Baudelaire, "Pour être juste, la critique doit être partiale, passionnée, politique...", Davantage Grincheux que Prof si j'étais un des sept nains, j'aime avant tout la sincérité dans n''importe quel genre musical...

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