Vidéo : Amyl and The Sniffers – Hertz

Prendre le large, se casser, se libérer, vivre un peu, enfin. Hertz d'Amyl and The Sniffers égraine des injonctions simples. Et pourtant. Qu'il est difficile parfois de trouver quelqu'un pour sa banquette arrière.

Alors la solution est peut être de grimper au plafond, de nager la brasse coulée dans sa baignoire, de boxer la pluie, de flashdancer sur un solo de gratte, ou d’aller à la plage. Amy Taylor et son gang australien nous réconfortent avec un disque pétaradant loin des remugles piquants à la mode.

Amyl and The Sniffers from Mel’burne viendra cracher son énergie aux Transmusicales de Rennes (Hall 8 – Parc Expo) le vendredi 3 décembre.

Amyl and The Sniffers – Hertz

I wanna go see the country
I want to get out of here
I’m sick of looking at graffiti
On the walls of the grey walls, the city
I want to drive in the countryside
I want the breeze in my hair
I am touching your leg and
I have my hand in your hand

Take me to the beach
Take me to the country
Climb in the backseat
If you love me
Hire me a car
I wanna go driving
Climb in the backseat
That’s where you’ll find me

I see mosquitoes, they buzz past
Your hand is in mine
I look out the window, it looks stunning
To see the sun is setting in the sky
Everyone is wavin’ out the window
It’s like they’re excited we’re here
I stopped by the fish and chips shop
They act like mates, it makes me cheer

Take me to the beach
Take me to the country
Climb in the backseat
If you love me
Hire me a car
I wanna go driving
Climb in the backseat
That’s where you’ll find me

I want you to love me
Do you love me ?

I tell you, time is not linear
Especially when we’re here in this car
Your hand in my hair
My hand in your hand
I love breathin’ this fresh air
We stop there right on the road side
I take my shoes off, ground’s cold
The sun is still beaming through the moon, clouds and stars
I want it all

Take me to the beach
Take me to the country
Climb in the backseat
If you love me
Take me to the beach
Take me to the country
Climb in the backseat
Do you love me ?

I want you to love me
Do you love me ?

Amyl and The Sniffers - Comfort To Me

Amyl and The Sniffers – Hertz

Tracklist : Amyl and The Sniffers - Comfort To Me
  1. Guided by Angels
  2. Freaks to the Front
  3. Choices
  4. Security
  5. Hertz
  6. No More Tears
  7. Maggot
  8. Capital
  9. Don't Fence Me In
  10. Knifey
  11. on't Need A Cunt (Like You To Love Me)
  12. Laughing
  13. Snakes

Amyl and The Sniffers en concert

Julia Davis Park

Boise (United States)

The Complex

Salt Lake City (United States)

Mission Ballroom

Denver (United States)

Uptown Theater

Kansas City (United States)

House of Blues Dallas

Dallas (United States)

Stubb's Waller Creek Amphitheater

Austin (United States)

White Oak Music Hall

Houston (United States)

Paper Tiger

San Antonio (United States)

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