[EXCLU] Vidéo : Ledher Blue – Jar

Ledher Blue vient de Guimarães, ville du nord du Portugal jumelée avec Tourcoing et Montluçon. Ceci explique peut être cela. Ou pas. Le duo pourtant excelle dans le désoeuvrement poétique et la mélancolie joviale.

Ledher blue - Jar
Ledher Blue – Jar

Les larmes sous la pluie, le blues de fin de soirée, les dimanches matins cafardeux. Zé et Pedro en mode D.I.Y à l’ancienne nous font leur Lou Reed avec ce Jar rempli de bière étoilée. Il marche du frigo au canap’ plus que du côté sauvage. « I ask for some pain on the bar, she gave me three, I ask for resentment on the stall, and she gave me four ». L’ombre féminine s’enfuit comme disparaissent les chateaux de sable avec le ressac. Et l’on a envie de se rouvrir une binouze.

Jar est le premier extrait de Downside Up !, le premier EP de Ledher Blue qui sortira le 30 novembre 2022. Le clip a été réalisé par Maria Neto.

Ledher Blue – Jar

I asked for some ice in my drink
She gave me two.
I asked for a beer on the bar
She gave me three.
I asked for a cigarette on the stall
And she gave me four.
I asked for a little help when I was down
But, she ran off.

(What time is it ?)

It’s 9 o’clock and I can work all day,
Be real talkative
I like when I get off at 5 to go to the store
And buy some beers for the evening
To sit down and to drink it
While I fantasize about being someone else
Oh, I’d really love to be someone else.

Right there, I will have my dinner
Which is always beans and toast
I like the water that comes with it
And the tar
from the iron of the station.

She asked me to hide on the park
I hid for free.
She asked me to dance on the beach
I hired the breeze.
She asked me to lie down on the cliff
And I was a bridge.
I asked for a little help when I was down
But, she ran off.

(What time is it ?)

It’s 9 o’clock and I can work all day,
Be real talkative
I like when I get off at 5 to go to the store
And buy some beer for the evening
To sit down and to drink it
While I fantasize about being someone else
Oh, I’d really love to be someone else.

Right there, I will have my dinner
Which is always beans and toasts
I like the brawling that comes with it
And the spice
from a violent conversation.

I asked for the city in a jar
She gave me two.
I asked for some pain on the bar
She gave me three.
I asked for resentment on the stall
And she gave me four.
I asked for a little help when I was down
But, she fucked off.

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