Vidéo : Bodega – Myrtle Parade

On pourrait penser que Bodega a investi la factory à New York. Cette Myrtle Parade est parfaite pour Halloween.

Bodega nous paie sa tournée qui passe par le Marché Gare le vendredi 11 octobre et l’on a hâte. Some girl’s hands are rubbing over my body. Dans sa quête, Bodega pourrait s’entendre avec Jacques Sternberg dans Vivre en survivant, « consommer, c’est en réalité se consumer, c’est consumer toute flamme, tout désir violent, toute passion. »

Bodega – Myrtle Parade


Myrtle’s from the coast down in Carolina
Said cultural consumer with her MFA
Lynch too plays syndicated nostalgia
SONY purchase just a click away
I saw your profile standing in profile
Waiting for the pot at the end of the hallway
Past the hallway balcony light show
Cigarette smoke for the Sabbath below
And you’re always out of place
At the Myrtle parade
Forced to party and act out the Myrtle charade
Myrtle charade

And I was followed by two men with stickered Macintosh
I’ve seen their show
It’s always the same
Some girl’s hands are rubbing over my body
Click to wipe the slate
To type her pen name
But I’m always out of place at the Myrtle parade
I just go through motions
Act out the Myrtle charade
Myrtle charade

We’ve all heard of Myrtle but nobody’s met her
Her stale beer sits at the top of a pillar
She hides her figure in an XL tee
Unknown Pleasures on her back
I saw her profile standing in profile
Pillbox down digestive tract
The laptop men want Myrtle’s bed
Their gonna have to go Wyckoff instead
And it’s always out of phase at the Myrtle parade
We’re just cast as background in Myrtle charade
Myrtle charade

And I was Followed by a tall man with his head in his hood
This time I hope he don’t know my name
Some kind of deals happen once in a lifetime
Click to wipe the slate
And clear all terrain
I stuck around for lights and the wine
But never really having a good time
Myrtle cried ‘I deserve so much better
Been here such a long long time
Such a long time long time long time’
And even she’s even out of place
At the Myrtle parade
Forced to party and act out the Myrtle charade
Myrtle charade

Bodega - Our Brand Could Be Yr Life
Bodega - Our Brand Could Be Yr Life
  1. Dedicated to the Dedicated
  2. G.N.D. Deity
  3. Bodega Bait
  4. Tarkovski
  5. Major Amberson
  6. Stain Gaze
  7. Webster Hall
  8. ATM
  9. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Drum
  10. Protean
  11. Born Into by what Consumes
  12. Cultural Consumer I
  13. Cultural Consumer II
  14. Cultural Consumer III
  15. City Is Taken

Lyonnais qui revendique sa mauvaise foi car comme le dit Baudelaire, "Pour être juste, la critique doit être partiale, passionnée, politique...", Davantage Grincheux que Prof si j'étais un des sept nains, j'aime avant tout la sincérité dans n''importe quel genre musical...

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Vidéo : Bodega – Cultural Consumer III

Quelle est la différence entre un artiste et un publicitaire s’interrogent les new-yorkais de Bodega dans Bodega Bait. Vous le saurez en écoutant Our Brand Could Be Yr Life disponible chez Chrysalis Records ou en concert entre autres au Marché Gare à Lyon le vendredi 11 octobre.

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