Les jours heureux ? Sûrement pas. Pendant que l’Europe se barricade, le duo originaire de Jérusalem et de Lotharingie formé par Ruth Rosenthal et Xavier Klaine fait un virulent et salvateur réquisitoire avec Europe, You’re the Criminal !. Qui a dit qu’il n’y avait plus de chansons et d’artistes engagés ? Sûrement pas Winter Family qui permet parfois de voir de la lumière dans les ténèbres d’une géopolitique du chaos. Oui, la colère fait aussi avancer et réfléchir avec ce disque abrasif, rageur, radical, un véritable backflip au dessus du Chaos.
On Beautiful Days de Winter Family est disponible chez Murailles Music / Sub Rosa et Hublotone.
Winter Family – Europe, You’re the Criminal !
Europe, you are the criminal ! ‘We’ no longer alive, we no longer exist
Look at we’re too fucking numerous to resist
All countries and regions are too large to grasp
So, I throw out the sponge and I don’t think as in ‘us’
I cannot take care of all the people around,
So instead of just finding my tribe or my clan
I get connected with thousands I don’t even know
And we share out thoughts and continue to go
In oblivion Europe,
Look at me straight in the eyes,
It’s you who invented mass murders and crimes
Polish the hatred precisely perfect
To show all the world how you master the act of killing
And after hundreds of years in control
You’re shocked to see others taking the roll
Of using the power to kill and destroy
You call them monsters and barbers and killers
Oh boy, you are shocked Europe, you manipulating bitch
You think you’re better and clever and disrespecting the rest
Cause the don’t know your culture
While slowly closing your gates, and refuse them their future
But you know, you owe to all the people in the world
After hundreds of years they had straight by your word
Europe, let go ; stop with these dreams
You’re not any better, you’re not butter & cream
You’re the criminal!
Europe, come closer and look at me straight in the eyes
Stop selling me your stories & lies
Your history’s written by men who decide
Where to put other’s borders and this I despise
Europe, you aren’t no saint
Europe, look at me straight in the eyes,I
t’s you who invented mass murders and crimes
Polish the hatred precisely perfect
To show all the world how you master the act of killing
‘We’ no longer alive, we no longer exist
Look at we’re too fucking numerous to resist
All countries and regions are too large to grasp
So, I throw out the sponge and I y don’t think as ‘us’
I cannot take care of all the people around,
So instead of just finding my tribe or my clan
I get connected with thousands I don’t even know
And we share out thoughts and continue to go In oblivion Europe,
You’re the criminal ! Europe,
You’re the criminal ! Europe,
You’re the criminal !
Winter Family - On Beautiful Days