Si Radiohead avait pris des amphét’, cela pourrait donner Wheobe. On avait déjà goûté leur goutte au Gibolin, on se délecte du feu d’artifice coloré de Counterclockwise qui pourrait être la bande son de La route de Mc Carthy ou de The Last of Us. Si vous appréciez les ouragans sonores, Wheobe est sur la route pour encore quelques dates.
Wheobe – Counterclockwise
They all talk but the dialogue is dead
It’s the noise from the mouths that can’t listenAs loud as you might cry
As loud as you might cry
Ears will close and the noise will tear your sound
A kingdom of deaf minds
Screaming their hearts out
In despair, lost and lonely in the crowdWords are slowly leaving
And I would love to speak
But everyone is crafting their own
Tower of Babel hereI’m lost in the sound
Echoing around
Losing meaning for each human wall I hit
The tide will rise
A thousand times
They will still build a wall and not a bridgeWords are slowly leaving
And I would love to talk
We are grains of sand stuck in an hourglass
Trying to prevent the fall
28 Mar 2025 | Le Bruit qui Tourne Châteauroux (FR) | TICKETS |
30 Mai 2025 | Le Kiosk Saint-nazaire (FR) | TICKETS |
31 Mai 2025 | L'Ether Bordeaux (FR) | TICKETS |
08 Juin 2025 | Aix en Provock 2025 Aix-en-provence (FR) | TICKETS |
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