Vidéo : Owen Pallett – A Bloody Morning

Owen Pallett sort en douce un nouvel album, Island, hommage aux esclaves dompteurs de fenwick d'amazon ou aux misanthropes pré-post-la-COVID ? Avec A Bloody Morning, les matins sont chagrins mais remplis d'espoir et de pardon.

6’53. A Bloody Morning. A penser à tous ces exégètes de la claustration. En cabane ou pas. Et arrive Owen Pallett. Over the window. Comment a t-on vécu ces moments derrière la fenêtre ? Protégé ? Pas sûr. Car la gamberge a rongé les esprits. Certains se sont libérés, ont dansé. D’autres pas. Ont été rongés par le spleen. Mais ce A Bloody Morning monte en puissance, comme la sève irrigue, des racines à la frondaison, une sorte de libération avec un sang vital. « On croit au sang qui coule, et l’on doute des pleurs. » poétisait Alfred de Musset. Ne pas douter. Jamais.

Owen Pallett – A Bloody Morning


Started drinking on the job
And the job became easy
Keep my hands upon the wheel and my eyes to the sea
Our two-masted yellow schooner seemed to need some course correction
And it may have looked suspicious, but the sun was on my shoulders
And my ginger hair
Lady Virtue’s Lace is bowing in the wind
And I slouch in my chair, thinking
« Who gives a shit about them? When did they ever give a shit about me? »

All around my lower ribs
Spider veins are forming
I’ve mistaken self-indulgence for self-care
But do not be scared
Surely some disaster will descend and equalize us
A crisis
Will unify the godless and the fearless and the righteous
I am knocked to the hull
As the schooner hits a reef beneath the surface
And we list and I fall
And the passengers are tumbling over railing, overboard and into sea

In a certain slant of light the feeling will hit me
Like a man against the waves and a violent wind
Waking up in a bloody morning
With the warmth of his forgiveness around me
The shared dream left me shaking
The memory is threatening to capsize every ship upon the sea
Upon the surf the passengers are scrambling and swimming
And my vision is unsteady and my head is scribbling scribbling
And the next is a blur
I’m crawling through the waves to reach a woman
Saint Christopher!
An underwater starscape, an escape, I cannot swim, I cannot swim

In a certain slant of light the feeling will hit me
Like a man against the waves and a violent wind
Waking up in a bloody morning
With the warmth of his forgiveness around me
The shared dream left me shaking
The memory is threatening to capsize every ship upon the sea

Owen Pallett - Island

Owen Pallett en concert

St. Anne's Parish Hall

The Junction (Canada)

St. Anne's Parish Hall

The Junction (Canada)

Moore Theatre

Seattle (United States)

Fox Theater

Oakland (United States)

Paramount Theatre

Denver (United States)

The Fitzgerald Theater

St Paul (United States)

The Fitzgerald Theater

St Paul (United States)

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