Vidéo : The Hives – Rigor Mortis Radio

Les clips de The Hives sont des bijoux d'auto dérision. Countdown to Shutdown défonçait l'open space, Rigor Mortis Radio ridiculise Pulp Fiction et West Side Story réunis dans une chorégraphie magistrale.

La fièvre du samedi après midi. En chacun de nous sommeille un danseur né ? Le gang suédois fait son coming out chorégraphique et aucun membre du groupe n’a été blessé durant le tournage. C’est un peu à l’image de The Hives, un plaisir coupable qui permet un jubilatoire et nécessaire lâcher prise.

The Hives – Rigor Mortis Radio


You’ve never seen me look so good before
This silver lining and this golden glow
This shine all mine
Looking like I’m fresh off an assembly line
I was a star baby ever since the dawn of man
I got some help for you, let’s call it a master plan
Well my advice? You roll a dice
Then roll away with it ’cause you’re cold as ice

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Tune in to Rigor Mortis Radio
You might as well
Tune in to Rigor Mortis Radio
You might as well
Tune in to Rigor Mortis Radio
You might as well
Tune in to Rigor Mortis

A fading flicker and a closing door
The sound of bickering I heard before
I took my feet out your puddle ’cause you know what
I got better things to do ’cause you know what I got
I got these people eating out the palm of my hand
I got them answering every single one command
I know you want my time, here’s my line
Yeah I got your offer, decline decline

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Tune in to Rigor Mortis Radio
You might as well
Tune in to Rigor Mortis Radio
You might as well
Tune in to Rigor Mortis Radio
You might as well
Tune in to Rigor Mortis

Now you might feel I cut you down to size
Start at the top and cut a million miles
It’s an astute observation I must admit
Here’s how much longer I can stand your shit
I’m saying hold it back, this tongue in crack
It’s gotta end, I’m not an evening snack
I got your e-mails saying that you wanna meet
I got your e-mails saying that you wanna meet
I got your e-mails yeah, delete delete

You might as well
Tune in to Rigor Mortis Radio
You might as well
Tune in to Rigor Mortis Radio
You might as well
Tune in to Rigor Mortis Radio
You might as well
Tune in to Rigor Mortis Radio
You might as well

The Hives - The Death Of Randy Fitzsimmons
The Hives - The Death Of Randy Fitzsimmons
  1. Bogus Operandi
  2. Trapdoor Solution
  3. Countdown To Shutdown
  4. Rigor Mortis Radio
  5. Stick Up
  6. Smoke & Mirrors
  7. Crash Into The Weekend
  8. Two Kinds Of Trouble
  9. The Way The Story Goes
  10. The Bomb
  11. What Did I Ever Do To You?
  12. Step Out Of The Way

Lyonnais qui revendique sa mauvaise foi car comme le dit Baudelaire, "Pour être juste, la critique doit être partiale, passionnée, politique...", Davantage Grincheux que Prof si j'étais un des sept nains, j'aime avant tout la sincérité dans n''importe quel genre musical...
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